ICSS 20210516 Biden’s Foreign Policy – Hope or Horror?
Sun., May 16, 2021: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm PDT
Biden bellicosely proclaimed, “American is back,” in his major foreign policy priorities speech, reaffirming the bipartisan consensus of regime change, forever wars, and the NATO alliance.
Republican neo-cons now shelter in the Democrat’s big tent, today’s party of war. Regardless of  the changing of the guard in Washington, the Biden’s policies will follow his predecessor, but will more effectively target official enemies such as Venezuela and Iran and will double down on Russia and China.
The US empire is the main beneficiary, proponent, and enforcer of a global political economy that increasingly is seen as failing to meet people’s needs. Class disparities during an economic recession, exacerbated by the COVID pandemic, are ever more evident in the US and internationally leading to an impending crisis of legitimacy.
Our speaker is Roger D. Harris, a member of the ICSS program committee. He is active with the human rights organization, the Task Force on the Americas, and is on the executive committee of the US Peace Council. His political writings may be found at Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Mint Press News, Popular Resistance, and the Orinoco Tribune. Roger recently wrote:
Also recommended is Alan MacLeod, “Humanitarian Imperialism: How corporate media sell regime change, intervention and war to progressive audiences”: