The ICSS has hosted a number of Marxist intellectuals addressing imperialism and how is it manifest in the Ukraine conflict. There is a broad consensus on the left against weapons for endless war and for diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine – a conflict that risks nuclear conflagration. Progressive groups like the Peace In Ukraine Coalition (https://www.peaceinukraine.
The ICSS is honored to host scholar and activist Greg Godels in this continuing discussion. His recent article Imperialism Revisited (https://zzs-blg.
Our speaker, Greg Godels, grew up in a working-class family in a rural coalmining community in the United States. He joined the Communist Party in 1975 and served on the Economics Commission CPUSA until Vic Perlo’s death in 1999. He wrote frequently for the Daily World and other Communist Party papers as well as Political Affairs and Nature, Society and Thought. Articles by him have also appeared in numerous publications, including Communist Review (London), People’s Voice (Vancouver) and Socialist Voice (Dublin). He was joint founder of the website Marxism-Leninism Today and writes a highly regarded blog under the pen name Zoltan Zigedy
Participants may want to prepare by reading Greg’s article, Imperialism Revisited, on his blog at zzs-blg.blgspotat