Since the election of the late president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, in 2021, Iran has adopted an active pro-east foreign policy and has become a key player, along with China and Russia, in the global struggle of the countries of the South for building a multipolar world. This active redirection of Iran’s foreign policy is considered by the U.S. imperialism as a serious obstacle to its continued domination of the unraveling unipolar world and an existential threat to its closest ally, Israel, in West Asia.
With the tragic death of President Raisi and Iran’s foreign minister, Amir-Abdollahian, a new round of uncertainty has begun both in Iran and around the world about continuity of Iran’s present foreign policy. Although both Iran’s supreme leader and the new acting president have insisted that “nothing will change,” the complexity of the Iranian domestic situation still leaves a number of important questions unanswered.
Our speaker, Bahman Azad, is a retired professor of economics and sociology. His area of research includes the political economy of capitalism and socialism, with articles in Political Affairs and Nature, Society and Thought. He is the author of the book: Heroic Struggle, Bitter Defeat: Factors Contributing to the Dismantling of the Socialist State in the USSR (International Publishers).
Bahman is currently the president of the U.S. Peace Council, on the Secretariat of the World Peace Council (WPC), WPC representative at the United Nations, and on the Administrative Committee of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC).
Bahman Azad was co-chair of Venezuelan Embassy Protectors Defense Committee (Washington DC) and is currently serving as the coordinator of the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases, the Global Campaign Against US/NATO Military Bases, and co-Coordinator of the Hands Off Syria Coalition.