ICSS 20200823
Sun, Aug 23, 2020: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Drastically Cutting the Military Budget
Why Is It Not a Campaign Issue?
Hunger and homelessness stalk the poor. Jobs lost in the pandemic and the resulting economic collapse may not come back or will be even lower wage than before. Public education and transportation along with protecting the environment are on the chopping block, while the billionaires are raking in money. Our cities and states are economically strapped. Yet, elected officials have no idea how to run them without raising local taxes, laying off workers, or slashing benefits. Meanwhile wars are plentiful. The more than a trillion dollars Congress annually votes to send to the Pentagon is hardly a topic of conversation or a campaign issue as a source of salvation at any level.
Our speaker, Henry Lowendorf, with the Campaign to Move the Money from military to human needs, will address what we can do about it. A biologist by profession, Lowendorf has been a peace activist since the mid-1960s. In 2016, he led a peace delegation to Syria on a mission to stimulate the US peace movement to honestly discuss the war on that country. He chairs the Greater New Haven (CT) Peace Council, is a member of the US Peace Council Executive Committee, and chair of the Peace and Solidarity Commission of the Communist Party, USA.
10:45:13 From Kim White : Kamala Harris voted with Trump recently to increase the Pentagon budget.
10:57:46 From Allan : Day After Voting Down 10% Pentagon Cut, 37 Senate Dems Join GOP to Approve $740 Billion War Budget: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/07/23/day-after-voting-down-10-pentagon-cut-37-senate-dems-join-gop-approve-740-billion
11:22:16 From Henry Lowendorf : Related to Kamala Harris: She voted against the 10% cut, but then surprisingly she also voted against the $741 NDAA.
11:23:01 From Eugene Ruyle : Support Sunday Morning at the Marxist Library The Institute for the Critical Study of Society at the Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library receives no corporate funding, nor do we have any paid staff. We rely on the support of working class folks that share our commitment to the socialist legacy of Karl Marx. We continue to need funds to meet necessary expenses. Since we can no longer “pass the hat” at our in-person forums, please send contributions to our treasurer either online via Paypal or by check:
PayPal: ICSSSunday@yahoo.com Richard Fallenbaum
Checks:Pay to: Richard FallenbaumSend to: Richard Fallenbaum1225 Neilson StreetBerkeley, California 94706-2435.
From josephjamison : Please check out new website: moneyforhumanneeds.org