Recently back from a humanitarian mission to besieged Gaza, which was denied entry by Egyptian authorities, our speaker will explain how the ongoing genocide against the Palestinians is a natural outcome of Zionism. The social dynamics of domination inevitably lead to genocide given sufficient time. This is the logical consequence of exceptionalism.
The resistance forces of the Palestinians and their allies have planned for a confrontation of unlimited duration, while Israel plans only short, massive attacks designed for a quick, decisive victory, which in this case is illusive. This is the main reason they have chosen genocide as a tactic. They reason that massive, horrible deaths of vulnerable civil Palestinians, mainly women and children, will force Hamas, Hezbollah, and their allies to take risks and expose themselves. But genocide is not working. And when it doesn’t, Israel’s answer is to use more genocide.
Paul Larudee, our speaker, is an Iranian-born American political activist who is a major figure in the pro-Palestinian movement. Based in the San Francisco Bay area, he has been to Palestine many times since 1965. He is active with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a nonviolent resistance group, and the Syria Solidarity Movement (SSM). Paul is a co-founder of the Free Palestine Movement (FPM) and the Free Gaza Movement (FGM), whose boats broke a 41-year-old Israeli naval blockade of Gaza in August 2008. He was a member of the US delegation aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which was attacked by Israeli forces on May 31, 2010.
Paul has a PhD in linguistics and spent fourteen years in Arab countries, supervising a Ford Foundation project in Lebanon, working as a Fulbright-Hays lecturer in Lebanon, and a US government adviser to Saudi Arabia. He is also a Registered Piano Technician.
Paul received the Lifetime Peacemaker Award from the Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center. Another, albeit inadvertent, tribute to Paul’s dedication and effectiveness is this disgusting doxing. by the blogsite Israellycool.
Recommended background reading: