Our program is about the México Solidarity Project (https://
The project offers critical support for Morena, a left-leaning populist political party rooted in anti-neoliberalism and a staunch defender of national sovereignty. It is immersed in the social movements in México struggling for basic rights for workers and people in all marginalized groups. These voices for radical change sometimes line up with Morena and sometimes, as with the Zapatistas, do not. The project’s most basic goals are to promote people-to-people understanding across borders and to concentrate efforts to oppose the US dominance that undermines México’s national sovereignty.
Our speaker, José Luis Granados Ceja, is with the México Solidarity Project and is on the staff of Venezuelanalysis (https://venezuelanalysis.com/
In 2018, he realized his dream of returning to Mexico as writer and photojournalist to produce stories about the people of Latin America: workers fighting to improve the lives of their families and communities, thinkers teaching the world about how to secure justice, and activists on the frontlines of social change putting their beliefs into practice every day.
Some of José Lius’s articles:
Venezuela, Non-Aligned Movement Condemn Israel’s ‘Illegal’ Assault on Gaza, https://venezuelanalysis.com/
Protests Against AMLO’s Reforms Reveal the Strongholds of Mexico’s Ancien Régime,
Latin American Leaders Reject US-Imposed Migration Policies at Palenque Summit, https://truthout.org/articles/