The midterm congressional elections will soon be upon us. We will again be told, as we are every two years, that the most important election of our lifetimes is impending.
Meanwhile the super-rich take recreational flights into outer space, and neoliberalism – the contemporary form of capitalism – is not meeting working people’s needs.
Was Biden’s primetime lecture from Liberty Hall on September 1 a democracy speech or a demonization speech against half of our fellow citizens?
Was it a needed prop to “our democracy” or another slide down the path of a heightened security state lurching in the direction of fascism?
How does the circus of the two-party system function to serve class interests?
Speaking: Roger Harris, who is on the program committee for the ICSS and the state central committee of
the Peace and Freedom Party, will kick off the discussion, based on his recent Counterpunch
Other panelists and participants will be invited to join in a robust discussion of political response
to the failures of neoliberalism and dangers ahead.