Modern war is a product of imperialism and cannot be eliminated without destroying imperialism. The most important thing is the policy that the parties that led to that war were pursuing and will pursue after the end of the war. We are not opposed to all wars. There are just and unjust wars. We support just wars like the war against imperialism by the oppressed nations, the wars of the bourgeoisie against feudalism, the wars of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie and the wars of socialist countries against imperialist countries. Revisionist distortions on the question of war and the role of opportunism will be discussed in the context of the ongoing wars in the Middle East and in Ukraine.

Originally, Harpal Brar was scheduled to speak at this Sunday Morning Marxist Forum, but he was unable to join due to urgent personal matters. This event was an open discussion on imperialism and war, centered around and taking as a point of departure Lenin’s writings on the topic.