Sun., February 16, 2025, 10:30 am-12:30 pm PST
Syria Report-back
Speaker: Dan Kovalik

Our speaker, international human rights advocate and lawyer Dan Kovalik just returned from Syria, once a beautiful country and the cradle of civilization. He visited so that we could speak out for people there who can’t speak out because they fear violent repression. Dan will report back on the current situation in light of historical developments. The new de facto government was in large part brought to power by the US and other foreign entities and does not have a mandate or right to rule. Multiculturalism has been destroyed by the new government, putting many minorities at risk.

Dan Kovalik has written extensively on international human rights and US foreign policy. He has lectured throughout the world on these subjects and frequently appears on RT. He is the author of books exposing the machinations of US imperialism in Nicaragua, Venezuela, Iran, and Russia, and most recently Palestine/Israel. Other books include a progressive case against cancel culture and how the US violates international law. He teaches international human rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.  He graduated from Columbia University School of Law. He then served as in-house counsel for the United Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW) until 2019.