Author: icsswpadmin

Turkiye 2023: The Collapse – Sun, Feb 19, 2023 10:30 am Pacific Time

Turkiye (the new and improved name replacing Turkey) is in a nosedive toward a total collapse. This is an expected route of all neo-colonial countries dependent on imperialism.
A new section of capitalists is using the NATO Gladio criminals to implement a narco-state to keep the economy alive in Turkiye. Privatization and marketization of every aspect of life have come to a total failure. Unprecedented Corruption at every level, bribery, theft, eco-destruction, gang rule, and the rise of deadly attacks, especially on women, shows the limits of a market economy in a dependent, neo-colonial country.
Turkiye is in dire need of funds to make it to the next day. Each day passing in Turkiye is funded and provided by its Muslim, fascist regional countries while imperialism sucks the life out of people every day. Workers and the people pay for these “favors” with hunger, misery, and working below slave wages. In the new world with its budding multi-polar centers, Erdogan is trying to find a new ally in Russia. However, its loyalty to NATO and western imperialism poses unsurpassable challenges.
We will discuss whether Turkiye has any chance of survival by following the 100 years of the capitalist route. The tasks and obligations of the left before and after the May-June elections will shed a light on everyday living in the country.

Turkiye (the new and improved name replacing Turkey) is in a nosedive toward a total collapse.  This is an expected route of all neo-colonial countries dependent on imperialism.
   A new section of capitalists is using the NATO Gladio criminals to implement a narco-state to keep the economy alive in Turkiye.  Privatization and marketization of every aspect of life have come to a total failure. Unprecedented Corruption at every level, bribery, theft, eco-destruction, gang rule, and the rise of deadly attacks, especially on women, shows the limits of a market economy in a dependent, neo-colonial country.
   Turkiye is in dire need of funds to make it to the next day.  Each day passing in Turkiye is funded and provided by its Muslim, fascist regional countries while imperialism sucks the life out of people every day.  Workers and the people pay for these “favors” with hunger, misery, and working below slave wages.  In the new world with its budding multi-polar centers, Erdogan is trying to find a new ally in Russia.  However, its loyalty to NATO and western imperialism poses unsurpassable challenges.
   We will discuss whether Turkiye has any chance of survival by following the 100 years of the capitalist route.  The tasks and obligations of the left before and after the May-June elections will shed a light on everyday living in the country.

Journalist Mehmet Bayram recently returned from a long trip to Turkey.

Yusuf Gürsey who is originally from Istanbul, Turkey, and is currently living in New Haven, CT. He is a member of the CPUSA, as well as a member of the US Peace Council in Connecticut, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Center for Marxist Education centered in Cambridge, MA

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J.V. Stalin Marxism and Problems of Linguistics – Yusuf Gürsey – Sunday, Feb 12, 2023: 10:30am Pacific Time

This session will discuss Joseph Stalin’s “Marxism and Problems of Linguistics” and the language policies of socialist states and some other leftist movements

Our speaker is Yusuf Gürsey who is originally from Istanbul, Turkey and currently lives in New Haven, CT. He is a member of the CPUSA, as well as a member of the US Peace Council in Connecticut and a member of the Steering Committee of the Center for Marxist Education centered in Cambridge, MA. After retiring from being an associate professor of physics in Turkey, he studied graduate level linguistics online at the Virtual Linguistics Campus broadcast from the University of Marburg in Germany. He is an independent researcher, translator and interpreter. His fields of interest in linguistics are historical linguistics (specializing in Turkic and Semitic languages), phonology and socio-linguistics. He is also currently engaged in research in the study of calendars and the history of Middle Eastern peoples, the medieval period and the history of modern Leftist movements.

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Hitler’s Rise to Power – Mark Albertson – Sunday, Feb 5, 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

The Chancellor: January 30, 2023 will mark the 90th anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s ascension to the Chancellorship of Weimar Germany. Yet, Hitler did not take power, it was offered to him. Little more than three years after the start of the Great Depression, President Paul von Hindenburg was able to exercise Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution; thereby circumventing representative government to appoint Chancellors to run the government to get Germany out of a worsening economic morass. Three candidates were chosen, all three failed to reverse the declining fortunes of the Fatherland. With investments from the United States drying up and with the Right and Left battling in the streets, prompted, of course, by a thirty-three percent unemployment rate, businessmen, bankers and the military urged the aging Hindenburg to appoint the man he little cared for, that vulgar little corporal from Austria, Adolf Hitler (who became a German citizen the year before in expectation of becoming Chancellor). And this at a time of the Nazi Party’s loss of seats in Reichstag elections. The Establishment of Germany would not, under any circumstances, countenance a candidate from the Left at the helm of the German Government. “We are hiring him,” seeing Hitler as a caretaker of Establishment expectations for Germany. A decision that, twelve years later, would see to the Fatherland becoming a shambles.

Mark Albertson is the historical research editor at Army Aviation magazine in Monroe, Connecticut; and, is the historian for the Army Aviation Association of America.

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The Militarization of the Police – Steve Martinot – Sunday, Jan 29, 2023 10:30am Pacific Time

Our speaker, Steve Martinot, will describe how police militarization rests on the foundation of the militarist ethic by which the police operate. The government has seen fit to supply the police with military equipment, which has consequences both for the people subjected to the presence of such weaponry and for government intentions. The second half of the presentation will be on the relation of police militarization to the structures of racialization in the US.

Lifelong social justice activist Steve Martinot has worked as a machinist and organized a number of shops. Steve organized a trucking company in New York City, which led to a wildcat strike. He has been engaged in Latin American solidarity and once faced indictment from the federal government for that. In addition, Steve has done neighborhood organizing and edited two underground newspapers, one in NYC and one in the Akron area. A former political prisoner, Steve was incarcerated in 1970. After Steve started writing in the 1980s, he taught at Colorado University and UCSF. He has produced eight books, four on racialization and prison abolition and three as volumes from different conferences. He also translated a book on racism by Albert Memmi from French.

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Nuclear Weapons and the Ukraine Crisis – Mark Albertson – Sunday, Jan 22, 202310:30am Pacific Time

The Nuclear Option: The nuclear option was exercised twice: At Hiroshima, August 6, 1945, followed three days later at Nagasaki, August 9. Both by the United States against the same targeted nation, Japan. Japan, as well. was working on the Bomb, with the Army and Navy each having programs. Yet it was Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman who split the atom in 1938, providing Germany with the inside track towards the Bomb. The advent of the Bomb will effect foreign relations, war, societies, and cultures. Indeed, the Bomb will hasten the use of the helicopter among armies as a way to circumvent a nuclear battlefield with a doctrine known as Airmobility in the United States Army and the Vertical Assault Concept in the United States Marine Corps. And while the Bomb is seen as Man’s Doomsday Weapon, it has not prevented him from deciding his options on the battlefield. And so, just how has the Bomb altered Man’s approach to war and what is the future?

Mark Albertson is the historical research editor at Army Aviation magazine in Monroe, Connecticut; and, is the historian for the Army Aviation Association of America.

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