Author: icsswpadmin

Impacts from Privatization of space: Environmental, Conflicts over celestial claims, war – Bruce Gagnon – Sun, Nov 14, 2021: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Pacific

This talk will include the plans by the nuclear industry to establish nuclear-rockets to Mars and nuclear-powered mining colonies on the planetary bodies. Included will be a review of US attempts to destroy the United Nations Outer Space and Moon Treaties as Obama in 2015 signed a new law giving US corporations the ‘right’ to make land claims for mining the sky in violation of those treaties. This will result in moving the war system into space as other nations will not allow the US to act as the ‘Master of Space’.

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Socialism in the Belly of the Beast To Celerate the 105th Anniversary – November 7, 2021 10:30 AM Pacific Time – Eugene Ruyle

Back in 1967, when millions of Americans were in the streets protesting the war in Vietnam, Che Guevara told us, “I envy you North Americans. Yours is the most important struggle of all. You live in the Belly of the Beast.” What would Che tell us in 2021, when we have a bipartisan beating of the drums of war and our domestic politics are, well, interesting?

What does socientific socialism have to say about the prospects for a socialist revolution in the U.S.? Anthropologist and Scientific Socialist Eugene E Ruyle will discuss this topic folowed by discussion.

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Cooperative Economics – Sharat Lin – October 31, 2021 10:30 AM PT

Cooperative economics are an alternative to both capitalism with its inexorable inequality and existing models of state socialism and central planning. Experience with worker-owned cooperatives around the world has shown that worker participation in decision-making can work, hierarchy is substantially reduced but not eliminated, worker satisfaction is qualitatively enhanced, and labor productivity and innovation can be competitive with capitalist enterprises. But can worker-owned cooperatives be scaled up to achieve economies of scale? What are the different models of cooperatives? What can we learn from cooperative bubbles like Tahrir Square, Occupy, Gezi Park, Rojava, Burning Man, or sharing economies? How do we understand the relations of production in worker-owned cooperatives and their relations of exchange? Can we imagine a global economic system dominated by cooperative economics?

Sharat G. Lin, PhD is research fellow with Human Agenda and the Initiative for Equality. He writes and lectures on global political economy, labor migration, social movements, and public health. He has studied producer-owned cooperatives in Spain, Cuba, Venezuela, India, and the U.S. He has observed first-hand many temporary experiments in self-organization as well as state enterprises in both capitalist, socialist, and hybrid states.

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Quo Vadis Turkey? A crumbling fascism in the Middle East under imperialism – Mehmet Bayram – Sun, Oct 24, 2021: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Pacific Time

Turkey is a neo-colonial NATO member country. It is tied through its umbilical cord to imperialism. Changing the name from Ottoman Empire to Republic of Turkey did not change much from what Ottomans stood for. An attempt at a bourgeois revolution was too late and had started during the Ottomans but was cut short, crushed, due to occurring in the age of imperialism. The bourgeoisie had changed character in this age and was no longer what used to be called a “national bourgeoisie.” A better term for the leaders of this crippled revolution would be “local bourgeoise” and its character as “comprador bourgeoisie” due to its relationship with imperialism.
Fascism passes through dormant and active phases, but never leaves Turkey. It is impossible to speak of a “bourgeois democracy” in the age of imperialism in the neo-colonial countries. This is tied to the crippled bourgeois revolution. Any and all, even very peaceful, demonstrations are brutally attacked and participants get long prison sentences. Hundreds of journalists are in jail, opposition party MPs are beaten, silenced and thrown into prisons, even without a charge for more than 4 years. The National Assembly is powerless and is irrelevant but stays for the show, typical of a regime that is defined by neo-colonial fascism. Unions are silenced and are under brutal attack. Media is suppressed and internet access is controlled. Government media spews unbelievable and outright ridiculous lies and repeats these 24 hours around the clock. Corporations work hand in glove with the government while raking in billions of dollars.
Corruption, as expected in the capitalist world is no longer secret but has become the norm. It is illegal to report corruption. Turkey uses Europe’s regulations against surveillance capitalism to protect the citizens against corporations like Google and Facebook to protect the capitalists and the corrupt government officials. It invokes the “right to be forgotten” against any news that exposes corruption, theft, bribery or murder and puts a media ban on news that exposes a corruption. Meritocracy has long vanished and the only qualification to get a job is loyalty to the government.
Erdoğan was brought to power by the US and he knows not to bite the hand that feeds him. As imperialism seems to lose its grip due to its seeming decline, neo-colonials do look around for a new boss to take its orders. Fascism is the only way to rule in a country that also has a rich history of socialist and left opposition. However, as new elections approach in a year and a half, the main topic that the country discusses is whether the government will even have the elections or respect the results. The answer seems to lie in the parallel, paramilitary, armed, terrorist organizations the AKP government is preparing, very similar to the illegal, semi-secret structures that were used for the Armenian Genocide.
Economic collapse has only exacerbated the fascism and repression has increased even in the last few days.
These and similar issues on foreign affairs involving Syria, Russia, China, Greece, but mostly European Union and the US will be discussed. However, Turkey never did, does not, and will not decide independently its internal or external affairs. Imperialism is an internal affair in Turkey due to the class structure under imperialism. What seems to be bold moves that could be read as challenging the US are only the slave asking for the leash to be extended a bit while Turkey picks up doing more dirty work for US imperialism in the world and the Middle East.
Even many on the left who opposed the analysis of fascism in the past are pronouncing this terminology to define Turkey these days.
What are the alternatives? What is the left to do?
Our speaker, Mehmet Bayram, is visiting his native land Turkey and will be reporting from there. He is a long time journalist, reporter, photographer and translator. Currently he writes and translates for the in Turkey, a site shut down 62 times by the government. Please follow Turkey’s news in English at:

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