Author: icsswpadmin

Cuba and the health crisis – Tony Ryan

ICSS 20200802
Sun, Aug 2, 2020: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Cuba: This is what medical internationalism looks like!.

Please join us for what will be an illuminating conversation on contemporary Cuba’s medical Internationalist work. Featured speakers will include Abraham Vela MD (a 2016 graduate of the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba) and Gail Walker (director of IFCO/Pastors for Peace). The event will be moderated by longtime Cuba solidarity activist Tony Ryan. Hold the date and please help in spreading the word!.

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Coronavirus and the crises of neoliberalism – Basudev Nag Choudhary

ICSS 20200712
Coronavirus and the crises of neoliberalism. By Basudev Nag Choudhary

Sun, Jul 12, 2020: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Covid-19 and the crisis of neoliberalism The COVID-19 disease caused by the novel corona virus has turned into a global pandemic with almost 5.5 million people confirmedly infected and over 3.5 hundred thousand deaths around more than a hundred countries. Irrespective of the fact whether the virus is a bio-weapon or naturally mutated, our aim is to show how it has impacted upon the global capitalist economy. Contrary to what is being campaigned from the mainstream institutions, it will be shown that the capitalist economy already fallen into the jaws of death has temporarily been able to keep breath by utilizing such pandemic situation. However, it is nothing but they have bought some time. Speaker: Basudev Nag Choudhary Moderator: ICSS Member Raj Sahai

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