Our program addresses the rapidly changing world order. This last year has been a time of summits: BRICS, G20, and G77 and the UN General Assembly. That these summits have been so hectic and have felt like such a whirlwind of events is because each marks the accelerated tempo of change on the international plane.
At the NATO summit in July, Zelensky failed to get even a timetable to get into NATO. The BRICS summit in Johannesburg in August admitted six new members. Then Putin hosted the vitally important meeting of the Eastern Economic Forum to showcase Russia’s own pivot to Asia, which was a friendly one. The Far Eastern economies are increasingly the dynamic center of the world economy. At the G77 plus China meeting in Havana, China restated its commitment to the development of the majority of humankind as the principle that should govern international relations. Then came the United Nations annual meeting in September.
Our speaker, Radhika Desai, is especially qualified to address these global changes. She is the convener of the International Manifesto Group (https://internationalmanifesto.org/), which analyzes the fast-changing political and geopolitical economy of the world order. From around the world, they represent a diversity of currents of anti-imperialist socialist thought.
Dr. Desai is professor at the Department of Political Studies and director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba. Among her many publications are Geopolitical Economy: After US Hegemony, Globalization and Empire and Intellectuals and Socialism: ‘Social Democrats’ and the Labour Party. She is also the author of numerous articles in Economic and Political Weekly, International Critical Thought, New Left Review, Third World Quarterly, World Review of Political Economy and other journals and in edited collections on parties, political economy, culture, and nationalism. With Alan Freeman, she co-edits the Geopolitical Economy book series with Manchester University Press and the Future of Capitalism book series with Pluto Press.