What constitutes (1) Imperialism and Fascism in our time at the end of the first quarter of the 21st century? (2) How is imperialism different today than in 1916 when Lenin penned his famous booklet? (3) How is Fascism today different than in 1935 and before when Dimitrov, Palme Dutt & Trotsky wrote to define it. What to call the new forms of fascism? (4) How have the wrong interpretations of fascism developed and where has it led Marxism? (5) What do the phenomenon of MAGA on one hand and Identity Politics of Liberalism represent today? (6) How to identify the trend toward the finance-capital monopoly dictatorship we are witnessing today? Does fascism demonstrate itself in the superstructure in the Marxist sense? Why is it important to identify the changes we are observing in the governance of US? How to fight it? (7) How is fascism related to imperialism and the new forms of imperialism? (8) How does it connect with the changes we are witnessing since 2016?

Speakers: Mehmet Bayram and Raj Sahai are on the Program Committee of the Sunday Morning Marxist Forum

Raj  Sahai’s presentation slides

Mehmet Bayram’s presentation slides