Author: icsswpadmin

Putin and NATO: a Marxist-Leninist Perspective – Alexander Mckay – Sunday, July 16 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Alexander Mckay is a UK-based political analyst and host of the fast-growing Marx Engels Lenin Institute streaming channel. He will present an examination of the changes in the Russian economy and state throughout the Putin era and how these have impacted the war in Ukraine and the plans of US Imperialism.

YouTube channel:


Official Telegram channel of the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute:

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US Imperial Policy in Korea – Simone Chun – Sunday, July 9 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Can there be peace in Korea under the US imperialistic strategy? Can there be peace in Korea when the US is at a virtual war with China? Simone Chun’s talk will show that the greatest threat to peace and stability in northeast Asia is the U.S. imperialistic quest and military encirclement of China. She will argue that the US peace movement must seriously oppose US imperial policy as a focal point of its struggle, and join its voice with the South Korean public as they campaign to regain their sovereignty and independence.

Simone Chun is a researcher and activist focusing on inter-Korean relations and U.S. foreign policy in the Korean Peninsula. She has served as an assistant professor at Suffolk University, a lecturer at Northeast University and an associate in research at Harvard University’s Korea Institute. She is on the Korea Policy Institute Board of Directors, and serves on the advisory board for CODEPINK. She can be found on Twitter at @simonechun.

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Haiti: An Anti-imperialist Perspective – Danny Shaw – Sunday, June 25, 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

The US is spearheading an effort to reinvade and reoccupy Haiti, according to our speaker who last visited the island republic last month. Danny Shaw will report on the different ingredients in the neocolonial hybrid war in Port-au-Prince; the guns, the so-called gangs, and the neocolonial state. He has been working with the Haitian left both in Haiti and in the diaspora since 1998 and speaks Kreyòl.

Our speaker, Danny Shaw, teaches Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender at the City University of New York. He holds a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University. He has worked and organized in seventy different countries, opening his spirit to countless testimonies about the inhumanity of the international economic system. He is a Golden Gloves boxer, fighting twice in Madison Square Garden for the NYC heavyweight championship. He teaches boxing, yoga and nutrition and works as a Sober Coach, keeping young people out of the military and prison industrial complex. He is the father of two young Life Warriors and mentors many through the nutritional, ideological, social and emotional landmines that surround us. He is the author of six books and numerous articles. He just posted this article in Truthout:

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Indian Telecom’s Spectacular Rise and the Nature of Monopoly Capital in India – Rahul Varman – Sunday, June 18, 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

The Indian state has hitched the wagon of the country’s development to the engine of the nation’s big capital, perhaps like no other time in India’s history. Big private capital today not only occupies the commanding heights of the Indian economy, but also the imagination of the ruling elite and even that of the popular classes. The pinnacle of this development is epitomized by the stupendous growth and reach of the Indian telecom sector. The ruling elite rests their case of claiming ultimate success by citing the ubiquitous presence of cell phones in almost every hand in India, which are promoted with some of the cheapest device and connectivity rates in the world. What lies behind this success? In this talk, our speaker will unpack the success of the telecom industry in India, and through the telecom example, examine the nature of the Indian big capital and the role of the Indian state.

Our speaker is Rahul Varman. He is in the faculty of the department of Management at The Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, located in Uttar Pradesh, India. He has organized and works with the contract workers on the campus, which number around 2,500. These are the most exploited and oppressed of the Indian working classes and they come from both local and far-off areas of the country.

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The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism – Carlos Garrido – Sunday June 11, 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

In The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, Carlos L. Garrido provides a comprehensive development of his concept of the purity fetish, tracing the outlook to the Eleatic school of Ancient Greek philosophy, and showing how it has appeared in 20th century Western Marxism and in contemporary U.S. socialism. In every form the purity fetish takes in Western Marxism’s politics, Carlos argues that one finds not only the failure to obtain truth, but also the inability to create a revolutionary movement.

Our speaker Carlos Garrido is a Cuban-American PhD student and instructor in philosophy at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. His research focuses include Marxism, Hegel, early 19th century American socialism, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. He is an editor in Midwestern Marx Institute for Marxist Theory and Political Analysis and in the Journal of American Socialist Studies. As a political analyst with a focus on Latin America (esp. Cuba), he has appeared in dozens of radio and video interviews around the world. He also edited and introduced Marxism and the Dialectical Materialist Worldview: An Anthology of Classical Marxist Texts on Dialectical Materialism (Midwestern Marx Publishing Press, 2022). His latest book, which we will be discussing today is: The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism

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