Author: icsswpadmin

The Political-Military Strategic Outlook for Russia in Ukraine – Sunday March 13, 2022 – Mark Albertson

The presentation will be a combination: the overall political-strategic outlook and, of course, the military aspect of the campaign. References will be made to such Soviet era theorists as Mikhail Tuchachevsky, Mikhail Frunze, Alexander Svechen an artillery specialist and Leon Trotsky, and such generals as Georgi Zhukov, Vasili Chuikov, defender at Stalingrad and armored theorist, Pavel Rotmistrov. And, of course, the importance of airpower will be included, with a comparison to the United States.

Speaker: Mark Albertson is the historical research editor at Army Aviation magazine in Monroe, Connecticut; and, the historian for the Army Aviation Association of America. He has authored numerous books and has taught at
Norwalk Community College. In May 2005, Mark was presented with a General Assembly Citation by both houses of Congress in Hartford, Connecticut for his commemoration of the centennial of battleship Connecticut.

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The México Solidarity Project, SINTTIA, and the continuing importance of international working class solidarity – Anne Lewis – Sunday, August 21 2022 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Anne Lewis is an independent documentary-maker and professor of practice at UT-Austin. Her work reveals working class people fighting for social change. Anne was associate director/assistant camera for HARLAN COUNTY, U.S.A. After the strike, she moved to the east Kentucky coalfields where she lived for 25 years. Documentaries she produced, directed, and edited include: ANNE BRADEN: SOUTHERN PATRIOT; MORRISTOWN: IN THE AIR AND SUN, a working class critique of globalization; JUSTICE IN THE COALFIELDS about the UMWA strike against Pittston; ON OUR OWN LAND about community organizing against stripmining; CHEMICAL VALLEY about environmental racism; FAST FOOD WOMEN; and A STRIKE AND AN UPRISING (IN TEXAS).

Anne recently completed a series of print and video pieces with Jennifer Harbury about the U.S./Mexico border, and RAULRSALINAS AND THE POETRY OF LIBERATION: UN TRIP. She is a proud member of the executive board of the Texas State Employees Union, TSEU-CWA 6186.

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US Sanctions & Future American Economic Empire – Jack Rasmus – Sunday, June 12, 2022 10:30 AM Pacific Time

The presentation will describe what’s in the US six packages of sanctions announced to date, distinguish between financial sanctions from goods & trade sanctions and individuals’ sanctions, and estimate their current stage of implementation of each. How US capitalists are enormously benefiting from the Russian sanctions. Thereafter, the discussion focuses on what’s been the impact of sanctions on Russia’s economy to date, as well as the growing consequence for Europe, US, and emerging markets economies–in terms of inflation, recession, and growing global financial markets’ fragility and potential instability. The presentation concludes with an assessment of the contradictions of sanctions for US imperialism and why sanctions on Russia represent a de facto declaration of economic war on Russia by the US as US imperialism comes under increasing challenge in the 21st century, becomes more aggressive in decline, and seeks to restore its prior hegemony, first in Europe and soon therefore in Asia.

Dr. Jack Rasmus, Ph.D Political Economy, teaches economics at St. Mary’s College in California. He is the author and producer of the various nonfiction and fictional workers, including the books The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Economic Policy From Reagan to Bush, Clarity Press, October 2019

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THE POLITICS OF ANTI-TRUMPISM AND THE THREAT OF FASCISM – Roger Harris – Sunday September 11, 2022 10:30 AM Pacific Time

The midterm congressional elections will soon be upon us. We will again be told, as we are every two years, that the most important election of our lifetimes is impending.

Meanwhile the super-rich take recreational flights into outer space, and neoliberalism – the contemporary form of capitalism – is not meeting working people’s needs.

Was Biden’s primetime lecture from Liberty Hall on September 1 a democracy speech or a demonization speech against half of our fellow citizens?

Was it a needed prop to “our democracy” or another slide down the path of a heightened security state lurching in the direction of fascism?

How does the circus of the two-party system function to serve class interests?

Roger Harris, who is on the program committee for the ICSS and the state central committee of the Peace and Freedom Party, will kick off the discussion, based on his recent Counterpunch article:

Other panelists and participants will be invited to join in a robust discussion of political response to the failures of neoliberalism and dangers ahead.

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