Author: icsswpadmin

Why is Right Wing Nationalism-Populism on rise in the World today? Is Fascism knocking at the door? – Sun, Jan 9, 2022 10:30-12:30 Pacific Time

This will be an open discussion focusing on these questions and have asked a few of our members to prepare brief introductory comments to start the discussion. Anyone who wants to volunteer to prepare a brief, approximately 5-8 minute presentation, please email Gene at by midnight on Friday. so we can plan accordingly.

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Looking Back at 2021: Open Discussion

It’s been a hellava year, what with Jan 6, the attack on Roe vs Wade, gun violence, dis-functional congress, global warming, the threat of nuclear apocalypse, the pandemic, you name it. We’ve planning an open discussion on what happened in 2021 and how we can prepare for 2022. We are asking a few of our members to start the conversation with brief presentations. Anyone who wants to volunteer to prepare a brief, approximately 5 minute presentation, please email Gene at by midnight on Friday. so we can plan accordingly.

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Venezuela’s Mega-Elections – Dec 5, 2021 10:30 AM Pacific Time – Roger Harris

The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela has provided international leadership to the anti-imperialist struggle and a promise that a better world is possible. Consequently, it has been targeted for regime change by the US, which has illegally blockaded the country causing immense human suffering. The extreme right opposition will be participating in the November 21 mega-elections, rather than boycotting, for the first time in years.

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