List of our past programs

Programs sorted by Title

200th Anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine – Mark Albertson – November 19, 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

The 200-year history of the Monroe Doctrine is a history of US imperialism. Among Washington’s recent junior partners, Israel stands out as an accomplice to the US imperial project not only in the old world but in this hemisphere as well.  Beginning with the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the course of what is labeled Manifest Destiny (term was applied in 1845) will be charted through the 19th century.  The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 is a continuation of the planned expansion across the North American continent. As the 19th century proceeded apace, the North defeated the South during the 1861-1865 Revolt ...
Hiroshima Atom Bomb Exploding

75th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombing – Raj Sahai

ICSS 20200809 Sun, Aug 9, 2020: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm7 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombing  By: Raj Sahai Two Atomic bombs dropped three days apart August 6 and August 9, 1945, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the two Japanese cities, changed the trajectory of the world. To the US citizens, it was portrayed by the US government and the Mass Media as necessary to end WWII with a country that had started it by a surprise attack on the US Naval Base in Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii on December 7, 1941, bringing a reluctant US into ...

8 Years Before Donbas Documentary Filmmaker – Don Courter – January 15, 2023 – 10:30 AM Pacific Time

8 Years Before is an independently-funded documentary film directed by international journalist Donald Courter and produced collaboratively with international heavyweight fighting champion Jeff Monson. The film portrays in stark detail the long saga of suffering that the Donbass people endured at the hands of the Ukrainian military, following the 2014 Euromaidan coup d'etat. Through primary source accounts and interviews with ordinary citizens of Donbass, human stories with a perspective never before seen in the mainstream media are brought to light. Speaker: Don Courter Moscow-based journalist, filmmaker, and activist.  He is the director of 8 Years Before ...

A Bleak Road Ahead for the Global Economy – Greg Godels – Sunday, June 4, 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Bank – three of the most highly regarded international economic organizations – all predict lowered growth expectations for the decade ahead. If three major capitalist institutions are foretelling economic uncertainty and instability, it is because we are exiting a distinctive era of capitalist restructuring. That era gave capitalism a new lease on life, with growing profits, hyper-accumulation, and vastly expanded speculative investments. Little of that enrichment was shared with the masses, resulting in unprecedented inequalities of income and wealth. According to our speaker, Greg Godels, liberal and ...

A Ukrainian Marxist speaks out against Kiev’s Regime and NATO on the second anniversary of Special Military Operation – Slava Jalili – February 18, 2024 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Two years of ‘Slava Ukraine’ from every corner, two years of ‘unprovoked invasion’ lies, two years of ‘Russia is losing’. We have seen it all unfolding in front of our eyes. But what exactly happened in February 2022, was it really necessary to start the Special Military Operation? Why is a Ukrainian Marxist on the side of Russia? Speaking: Slava Jalili is a Ukrainian Marxist-Leninist, correspondent at The Revolution Report, and member of Chicago Workers School ...

Afghanistan – Between Two Cold Wars – September 19 10:30 AM Pacific Time – Dr. Bahman Azad

Afghanistan - Between Two Cold Wars  -  Sunday September 19 2021 10:30 AM Pacific Time - Dr. Bahman Azad Our program will trace US involvement in Afghanistan back to the 1950s Cold War to exert strategic control of the Soviet Union’s borders, especially after the Iranian Revolution. Combatting terrorism was not the issue. Rather, the US nurtured politicized Islamic jihadists in the form of the mujahedeen and the Taliban to destroy the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. From 1978-1992, the socialist-oriented government instituted modernization, emancipation of women, literacy, and land reform programs, only to be reversed.. From 1978-1992, the socialist government ...

Alexander Dugin and theOrigins of the ‘Red-Brown Alliance’ Myth – Max Parry – Sunday, April 23, 2023: 10:30am Pacific Time

The loss of socialism is not as permanent as it appears and until capitalism’s inherent contradictions are resolved, its resurgence is not as improbable as Dugin suggests. Until then, we as Marxists should not dismiss those who have picked up the mantle of anti-imperialism since the demise of the former Soviet Union, no matter which political form it takes shape. By denouncing Dugin as a “fascist” and treating his work as unworthy of serious consideration, one is only showing that he is right to say that Marxism has become irrelevant in today’s world and Western capitalism is here to stay ...

An Inconvenient Apocalypse – Robert Jensen – April 3, 2022 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Robert Jensen will outline four key challenges facing humanity: size, scale, scope, and speed. What is the sustainable size of the human population? What is the appropriate scale of a human community? What is the scope of human competence to manage our interventions into the larger living world? At what speed must we move toward different living arrangements if we are to avoid catastrophic consequences? The sooner we face the realities of these challenges without unwarranted faith in ideology or technology, the more likely we can create the conditions for a soft landing for humanity. These ideas are drawn from ...

Are Fascism and Liberalism Partners in Capitalist Crime? – Gabriel Rockhill – January 28, 2024 10:30 AM Pacific Time

According to the dominant ideology, fascism constitutes an exceptional break with the protocols of liberal democracy, which has only happened at rare moments in the history of the West, such as in Mussolini’s Italy and Nazi Germany. Liberalism is thereby postulated as a bulwark against fascism, an idea that’s been consolidated through the massive perpetuation of a historical narrative regarding the supposed democratic defeat of Nazism in WWII. This presentation will critically interrogate these assumptions by re-examining the historical relationship between liberal democracy and fascism. Have they always been opposed to one another, or do they sometimes work in concert ...

Artificial Intelligence Versus the Working Class – Dr. Jack Rasmus – Sunday, May 14, 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Goldman Sachs bank research this past week published a report that 300,000,000 jobs worldwide will be impacted by the now accelerating introduction of Artificial Intelligence software (machines) that will either eliminate or sharply reduce the hours of work for workers involved in simple decision-making tasks like customer service reps, paralegals, receptionists, retail services, human resources reps, copywriters, basic software coders, and countless other occupations. Its report updates that of five years ago by McKinsey Consultants that estimated 5 million jobs impacted.Academics hail the news that it will mean a sharp increase in productivity (and therefore profits which they don’t say) ...

Artificial Intelligence, Cure or Curse? — Özgür Narin — June 2, 2024 10:30 AM Pacific Time

On the class structure of AI and the reasons that a productive force appear as a destructive force of capitalism. Machine Learning Algorithms running on Artificial Neural Networks and particularly reinforcement learning were real breakthroughs of 2010s, Generative AI and transformers are of 2020s, all of them developed and spread to various branches. And nowadays they even talk about an "existential risk" created by AI as if capitalism itself was not the real existential risk for centuries. So we should talk about capitalist production process of AI and the class structure of it. Hence, I will first try to analyse ...

August Willich: The First and Last Communist US General – Al Sargis – Sunday October 16, 2022 10:30 AM Pacific Time

 John Willich was a Prussian army career officer who quit after 25 years to become a carpenter. He was a German 48er who formed the proletarian army in the German Revolution with Friedrich Engels as second-in-command. He was exiled to England, where he joined Marx and Engels. Polemics between Willich and Marx-Engels led to his joining an opposing communist faction. In the 1850s he emigrated to the US where he become involved in communist clubs. He was an abolitionist who worked with free African Americans. In the Civil War, he started an innovative and highly praised German regiment. Conclusion: along ...

Banking Crisis 2023: Deep Origins and Future Directions – Dr. Jack Rasmus – Sunday, April 2, 2023 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Silicon Valley Bank - previously the 16th largest bank in the US and reportedly a source of funding for half of all the tech startups in the US - has collapsed. It’s now become clear the more general banking crisis that has emerged is not due simply to a rogue, mismanaged bank that over-extended itself during the recent tech boom and then somehow mysteriously imploded in just 72 hours, March 7-9, until seized by the FDIC on the morning of March 10, 2023. Deeper, more systemic forces are at play—in the case of both the SVB collapse and the now ...

Building of Socialism in Laos — Graham Harrington — June 23, 2024 10:30 AM Pacific Time

The Lao People’s Democratic Republic came into being in 1975, after a decade of relentless US bombing. Laos is per capita the most bombed country in the world. 10% of its population were killed directly by US bombs and a similar number left the country. US-financed opium traffickers and terrorist attacks continued up to the end of 20th century. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cut-out, still maintains a presence in Laos. Building socialism in this context was, and is, not an easy task. With close relationships to Vietnam and China, the ruling the ruling Lao People’s Revolutionary ...

Cal Berkeley, People’s Park, and Law & Order – Tony Platt – March 17, 2024 10:30 AM

The University of California, Berkeley—widely known as “Cal”—is admired worldwide as a bastion of innovation and a hub for progressive thought. Far less known are the university’s roots in plunder, warfare, and the promotion of white supremacy. As Tony Platt shows in his latest book, The Scandal of Cal, these original sins sit at the center of UC Berkeley’s history. Tony Platt is the author of thirteen books dealing with issues of inequality, power, and justice in American history. Platt, a longtime activist, is currently a Distinguished Affiliated Scholar at Cal Berkeley’s Center for the Study of Law & Society ...

Campaign for Socialism 2024 — April 7, 2024 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Campaign for Socialism 2024 Workers in the Socialist campaign of Claudia De La Cruz & Karina Garcia for President & VP will speak about their campaign. Website: ...